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Behold, I tell you a secret; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed (1 Corinthians 15.51-52).IntroductionGreat controversy and confusion exists in Christendom regarding the doctrine of the Rapture. This unfortunate state is a result of not understanding Pauline theology–a failure of both Biblical neophytes and theological professionals.
Much of the failure is simply unbelief–a refusal to believe the straightforward message of the Scripture. This study will examine the Pauline texts with the goal to end the confusion and turn unbelief to faith.The Word “Rapture” (ἁρπάζω)The word “rapture” does not occur in our English Bibles. We get the word by way of St. 347-420 A.D.).
Ashley CarnesThank you for this artice. I once believed we would not be raptured because I thought, if Jesus could not be spared his pain when paying for our sins, why should or would we be spared this. Now I see it is because what he did for us was to end all worry and fear from those who believe in him. What he did for us was the ultimate gift of love, and this is one way that there is no possibility we can understand his love for us. I long for the day I can bow to him, praise him and kiss his feet.
There is no greater love I can imagine than this. Deborah FreudigerDear Doctrine,Please explain 2 Cor 13:1 in light of Paul’s revelation of the rapture. Paul said, “Every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.”Would Paul not be violating his own word of instruction if he was the ONLY witness to the rapture mystery?Curious to see your insight regarding this matter, in that it does present a stumbling block to my faith.God BlessFYI-posted this question multiply times in hope that it will be received either by ipad or computer. Deborah FreudigerDear Doctrine,Thank you for your response.This is true many individuals encountered God alone. But there was not a “doctrine” presented or based on a “lone” revelation.Abraham had Sara as a witness.Jacob prophesied over his children- but no doctrinal belief was initiated.Moses had the voice of God as a witness, as well as physical manifestations as evidence-Tablets written by the finger of God.Many prophets were contemporariesof each other and therefore validated each other. And of course, time does bare witness to their Divine prophecies- and will continue to do so as we complete this age and the next.But to have a “new mystery” or “revelation” that would change doctrinal beliefs is all together another matter.As it says in 2 Pet 3: 15-17 stating that Paul’s letters can be difficult to understand in which people twist to their own destruction.1 Cor 13:1 does appear to contradict many of Paul’s writings in the NT. That is why Paul is so controversial.I still believe in the rapture, but I have found that if there is no bias, the majority of individuals can plainly see the Resurrection occurring as stated in Rev 20 (after the antichrist has martyred the saints).The problem I have with the antichrist martyring the saints ( if referring to the church) is that why would Christ give him AUTHORITY over the church, when Christ had already given AUTHORITY to the church over serpents and scorpions like him!I do hope we leave soon before the Tribulation begins!God Bless.
VictoriaBecause many of the things Paul said in his epistles contradict what we do learn about God & His ways all thru-out the Bible, as well as many of the very teachings of Jesus in His earthly ministry & the things He also said much later than Paul in Revelation, it has led me to wonder about Paul & I’m currently on a journey of researching about this, prayerfully and with asking the Holy Spirit to guide me & lead me to discernment regarding Paul—it is not something I do lightly or quickly. I guess my biggest concern is that IF Paul was the false apostle Jesus & others warned about, itd make his teachings false as well—which I don’t want because I want to believe especially in the rapture. Could Jesus have been referring to the rapture when He said pray that we be counted worthy enough to escape the coming tribulation/wrath?
I understand God trying to keep things hidden from Satan. doctrine Post authorVictoria,All of the Twelve recognized Paul as God’s apostle.
Therefore, anyone who rejects Paul also rejects the Twelve. Peter wrote in his last letter for the Jewish believers to look to Paul (2 Peter 3.15-16). If you dismiss Paul, you also have to dismiss all the NT books except Matthew and Jude. If you dismiss Paul, there is not salvation for it is by his gospel, that Christ died and rose from the dead is how one is saved (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). If you reject Paul, you reject all Church doctrine, for it is in his letters alone that Church doctrine is found.
Those who reject Paul are not Christians. They are false teachers, servants of Satan. Paul declared that anyone who proclaimed a gospel different from his was cursed. Those who reject Paul will go to the Lake of Fire. The risen Christ Himself chose Paul (Acts 9.11-17) as His apostle to the Gentiles (Romans 11.13). To reject Paul is to reject Jesus Christ.
BobbiHi Victoria,Wow It’s awesome that you see a difference in terms doctrine between Paul’s epistles and the gospels and OT! This is WONDERFUL NEWS!Because IT IS DIFFERENT.Paul is the ONLY apostle of the Gentiles. It is a heavenly calling.Paul preaches the cross of Jesus Christ according to the REVELATION OF THE MYSTERYRom.16:25,26Trust the Lord in your studies! The entire Bible is God’s word. Some of it relates to his earthly calling of which Israel is and is TO those people at that time.
There are 2 realms after all Gen.1:1Some of it is written to the non-stop (no new or gentile) Body of Christ. This is a heavenly calling, and is written TO us today. These are Paul’s epistlesI found this site (or was less here) when I first found the difference. It is a beautiful thing! Trust God that only “holy men of God” wrote this Bible. Not false apostles.2 Peter 1:21 KJV — For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but HOLY MEN of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.Paul’s epistles “fill up” the word of God.Colossians 1:25 KJV — Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;He also breaks down the Bible into 3 categories1.
Ages to comeWelcome to sound doctrine! Proval training courses. 💖May the Lord bless your studies and lead you to the truth.Doc,I want to see you in the Rapture. Jesus tells us in Matt 24:27- 31( all re.
KJV) IMMEDIATELY AFTER the tribulation of those days. We have to make up our mind that, We can prepare ourselves to be ready and prepared to face, and ENDURE to the end. Mat 10:22 & 24:13 whatever may come, and IF the Rapture comes as some teach, Praise God be ready. If it does not happen, then we need to be so filled with the Holy Ghost power that we can take even what Stephen did.
Acts 6 & 7.Take heed of Luke 12:45-49 for many will say, The Lord delayeth His coming? That tells me that many people who think or believe that they will be carried away out of tribulation, will be the ones who will be turning their back on God because of what they might have to suffer, thinking the Lord has delayed His coming.My advice to all is to prepare ourselves that if the rapture takes place before the tribulation, be ready to meet God! BUT IF IT DOES NOT happen, then prepare ourselves to do as many others, Be willing to DIE for Jesus Christ. The way things are shaping up in this world today, we need to prepare ourselves for what ever may take place.Are you ready to meet Jesus in the air? Whether by dying forChrist, as Stevens, Peter and Paul and many others down through the ages? Even today people are being killed for their stand for Jesus Christ.
I have heard many times “The Rapture could take place any time”. Just a while back someone said that to me. I am now in my 80’s and that has been said by ministers over 2 centuries ago.
Patience of the saints. 13:10; 14:12. 6:9; 16:6,7.Just make your calling and election Sure!
Thinking of Mat 24:34? This is the generation of Jesus Christ.
He purchased the WWW with His own blood, Acts 20:28. He Reconciled the WWW unto God in ONE body by the cross, as ONE NEW MAN. doctrine Post authorLily,All who have believed Paul’s gospel (1 Corithians 15.1-4) will experience the Rapture. It is our great day, our resurrection, which is an appropriate subject since tomorrow is Easter.
We can also be 100% sure that it takes place before the Tribulation. Paul explicitly stated this in 1 Thessalonians 1.10, 5.9. He wrote 2 Thessalonians to correct the false teaching that the Thessalonians were experiencing the Tribulation (2 Thessalonians 2.1-2). You might want to take a look at my articles on this subject, The Rapture, The Day of Christ, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians. The last is the most detailed. We should always be prepared to be faithful witnesses and to die for Christ if necessary but one thing we do not need to fear is that we will experience the Tribulation.
God has told us we will not. Milan PakesSir, here are some ideas from Ezekiel on when the Holy Spirit makes HIS appearance and why, after the Church is taken. You will need to read Ezekiel 38 & 39 a few times to become familiar with what it actually says concerning Israel and the Holy Spirit and what happens when the Holy Spirit is poured out. Then take notice of these verses found in Ezekiel 39:23-29.
For instance, Ezk 39:29. When GOD pours out HIS SPIRIT upon Israel at the end of the Ezk 38 war.
I don’t believe any one can prove or show me where GOD has HIS SPIRIT in more than one body of elect or group at a time. At this time, the HOLY SPIRIT is in the Church, the Body of CHRIST, correct? Yes or no?.At Ezk 39:22-29 GOD at this time pours HIS SPIRIT upon the WHOLE HOUSE of Israel.
The importance of this event is totally ignored by all the prophecy teachers I’ve ever heard.But, this event should be 1st in each of their minds & study. GOD can not pour HIS SPIRIT upon Israel as long as the Church is here. Because when HE does, not only the entire world knows what GOD proclaims in Ezk 39:23 but Israel knows also as verse 22 shows that Israel knows that GOD saved them as does the world also.How will Israel Know this without the SPIRIT OF GOD REVEALING IT TO THEM? Since Scripture tells us that it is GODS SPIRIT that reveals such to a person or persons. Ezekiel says they will KNOW it was GOD WHO won this war for them.Since the Jews & Israel today don’t see this now but they will on that day.
So the only logical logic that makes sense is that the Church will be gone by this time since we have the HOLY SPIRIT NOW during this age of Grace. I don’t believe that GOD will rip out the HOLY SPIRIT of the Church to pout HIM out onto Israel.But on that day Ezekiel says that Israel will know something about what GOD is doing for them by HIS SPIRIT and this is a big change from the way things have been for the last 2000 years.From that day forward Israel will want to worship YHVH. This takes the SPIRIT of GOD to change a heart to want this. At this time also the 144,000 will be given the SEAL of HOLY SPIRIT as Rev tells us.Ezk 38 & 39 tell us that Israel will burn weapons for 7 years, the exact time of the Trib time, 7 years, and they will be building their temple at this point in time, once the Arabs are no longer a threat to stop the Building of this Temple. With GOD winning this battle nothing will be in the way of the Temple being built.
And since the arabs will no longer be a danger to Israel they will have a free hand in re-building their new Temple.Also never looked at by prophecy teachers is the 7 months needed to find & bury the dead. They always blame this on radiation but that makes no sense since there will be dead people all over the earth and GOD makes no mention of them being buried. And radiation will be a problem for the rest of the world where atomic weapons fell during this war.It makes more sense to say what they teach when in the Torah it says that during the (any) feast of the LORD, that no dead thing can be above ground. That is a strict LAW that GOD gives.So GOD gives the command to bury the dead in 7 months because the next feast, most likely the Passover Feast that could occur at this time in 7 months from the end of the Ezk 38 war, and Israel could construct a temporary Tabernacle like they used for 400 years before the 1st Temple to offer their 1st Sacrifice to GOD and they must have the land cleared of all dead things before that date as they go about constructing the actual Temple.That’s why this 7 month time period is mentioned by GOD. doctrine Post authorMilan,Thank you. The Holy Spirit indwelling believers in the body of Christ is permanent. Nothing indicates He will leave and we nothing to fear as David (Psalm 51.11).
Ultimately, the Holy Spirit will indwell all Jews who enter the Messianic Kingdom and it appears this process will begin during the Tribulation. All who enter the kingdom will be believers and all of Israel will have repented to initiate the Lord’s return (Matthew 23.37-39). It seems the Gog/Magog invasion will take place at the beginning of the Tribulation which would allow for burning the military equipment for 7 years.
It is also possible the invasion could begin earlier. The Antichrist does not have to appear immediately after the Rapture of the Church. A long time could elapse before his appearance. Launie MartinIn the same sense that the Holy Spirit worked before it was given as the “helper” at Pentecost. Before the helper came down from heaven to indwell believers it still had a role on the earth before that. So, when the Church is removed by rapture, so will the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will act in the same way as it did before the cross; the same way it did during the old testament days with David, Daniel, Isaiah, and so on. This is also why it will be possible to lose one’s salvation during the tribulation period; endure till the end, the five virgins without, etc.
The Church is unique in that we have the “helper” inside of us. Hope this helps. God bless you!!!. tTerriI really enjoy your studies, and they have helped me to understand more of God’s Word. I have a question concerning the “out resurrection”. If it is the rapture, can you please explain the verses following where Paul is writing about attaining it.
It seems to me like he is striving for a more glorious resurrection. I know that works do not earn salvation, but they do earn rewards.
I don’t think Paul would have to be striving to attain to the rapture. 3:14, Paul says he is pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling. All this seems to refer back to the “out resurrection.”I hope I am making sense to you. I would like your further thoughts on the “out resurrection.
doctrine Post authorThe comfort Paul spoke of has several aspects: 1) the dead in Christ will be resurrected, i.e., “not grieve as do the rest who have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4.13); 2) when the Lord returns He will bring the dead in Christ (their souls and spirits) with Him when He returns and they will receive their resurrection bodies (1 Thessalonians 4.14); 3) a nanosecond later, those who are alive will be transformed into resurrection bodies and be reunited with their fellow-members of the body of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4.17). doctrine Post authorJohn,Paul explicitly stated that the Church, the body of Christ, will not experience the Tribulation, the Day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 1.10, 5.9 and he wrote 2 Thessalonians to correct the false doctrine of post-tribulationism, which was present in the 1st century (2 Thessalonians 2.1-3). The “rapture” was a secret, until the risen, glorified Christ revealed it to Paul (1 Corinthians 15.51). In the former Christ will meet believers in the air. In the latter Christ will meet believers on the earth. Completely different meetings. Alice ChildsPlease excuse the multiple questions, but some of your teachings are new to me and I really want to understand what you are saying.
Here are my questions:What will the church be doing after the Rapture? Will that be when the church is undergoing the bema judgment seat in heaven while the Time of Jacob’s trouble is taking place on earth? Is there any mention of the church in Heaven in Revelation and finally, does the church make up the ” armies of Heaven” who are dressed in white robes that return to earth with Jesus at His 2nd coming?Thank you. doctrine Post authorAlice,We don’t know what the Church will be doing following the Rapture other than we are told that in the Day of Christ God will judge members of His body regarding works (1 Corinthians 1.8, 3.12-15). The Church is not mentioned in Revelation. Revelation is a Jewish book and during this time God is dealing with Israel and Gentiles, not the Church (1 Corinthians 10.32). Whether the Church makes up the “armies of heaven” I do not know.
What we can know is what Paul declared in 1 Corinthians 2.9 and Romans 8.17. EstebanI understand what you say, and your position that Revelation does not talk about the church, but the text in 1 Thessalonians 4.17 does say that after the rapture, we His church, His body, will be with him forever (after, emphasis implied), and when He returns at the end of the 7 years, to reign for the last day of Hosea (1000 years or the millennium), we should thus return also (somehow in some capacity, army like Alice ponders, or not) even if it is just to be with Him (which we be reward enough).Is this contradicted by scripture somewhere? Or am I taking it out of context?