Knowledge of CAD & Simulation Tools:Simulation and CAD tools: Synopsis Sentaurus TCAD, Silvaco TCADand EDA tools, LT Spice, Electric VLSI, Cadence Virtuoso.Agilent ICCAPand ADS, Silvaco UTMOST-III and UTMOST-IVMATLAB, MATHEMATICA,Tanner Tools, and Multisim-2001, 2010, Hardware description languages Verilog/ Verilog-ATCADVICTORY Process is ageneral purpose 3D process simulator. VICTORY Process includes a completeprocess flow core simulator and three advanced simulation modules: Monte CarloImplant, Advanced Diffusion and Oxidation, and Physical Etch and Deposit.Proprietary models, as well as public domain research models, can be easilyintegrated into VICTORY Process using the open modeling interface.VICTORY Device is ageneral purpose 3D device simulator. A tetrahedral meshing engine is used forfast and accurate simulation of complex 3D geometries. VICTORY Device performsDC, AC and transient analysis for silicon-based semiconductor devices, binary,ternary, quaternary and organic material-based devices.VICTORY Stress is ageneric 3D stress simulator designed to calculate stresses and mobility enhancementfactors for any 3D structure using comprehensive material stress models,including the dependence of elasticity coefficients on crystal orientation.ATHENA frameworkintegrates several process simulation modules within a user-friendly environmentprovided by Silvaco TCAD interactive tools. ATHENA has evolved from aworld-renowned Stanford University simulator SUPREM-IV, with many newcapabilities developed in collaboration with dozens of academic and industrialpartners.
.Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL. DescriptionFor an advanced course in digital design for seniors and first-year graduate students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science.This book builds on the student's background from a first course in logic design and focuses on developing, verifying, and synthesizing designs of digital circuits. The Verilog language is introduced in an integrated, but selective manner, only as needed to support design examples (includes appendices for additional language details). It addresses the design of several important circuits used in computer systems, digital signal processing, image processing, and other applications. Behavioral Modeling.
A Brief Look at Data Types for Behavioral Modeling. Boolean Equation-Based Behavioral Models of Combinational Logic. Propagation Delay and Continuous Assignments.
Latches and Level-Sensitive Circuits in Verilog. Cyclic Behavioral Models of Flip-Flops and Latches.
Cyclic Behavior and Edge Detection. A Comparison of Styles for Behavioral Modeling. Behavioral Models of Multiplexers, Encoders, and Decoders. Dataflow Models of a Linear Feedback Shift Register. Modeling Digital Machines with Repetitive Algorithms.
Machines with Multi-Cycle Operations. Design Documentation with Functions and Tasks: Legacy or Lunacy? Algorithmic State Machine Charts for Behavioral Modeling. Behavioral Models of Counters, Shift Registers, and Register Files. Switch Debounce, Metastability, and Synchronizers for Asynchronous Signals. Design Example: Keypad Scanner and Encoder.6.
Synthesis of Combinational and Sequential Logic. Introduction to Synthesis.
Synthesis of Combinational Logic. Synthesis of Sequential Logic with Latches. Synthesis of Three-State Devices and Bus Interfaces. Synthesis of Sequential Logic with Flip-Flops. Synthesis of Explicit State Machines. Registered Logic.
State Encoding. Synthesis of Implicit State Machines, Registers, and Counters.
Driver integration winbuilder for windows xp. Synthesis of Gated Clocks and Clock Enables. Anticipating the Results of Synthesis. Synthesis of Loops.
Design Traps to Avoid. Divide and Conquer: Partitioning a Design.7. Design and Synthesis of Datapath Controllers. Programmable Logic Devices. Storage Devices.
Programmable Logic Array (PLA). Programmable Array Logic (PALTM).
Programmability of PLDs. Complex PLDs (CPLDs). Altera MAX 7000 CPLD. XILINX XC9500 CPLDs. Field Programmable Gate Arrays.
Altera Flex 8000 FPGAs. Altera Flex 10 FPGAs. Altera Apex FPGAs. Altera Chip Programmability.
XILINX Virtex FPGAs. Embeddable and Programmable IP Cores for a System on a Chip (SOC). Verilog-Based Design Flows For FPGAs. Synthesis with FPGAs.9.
Architectures and Algorithms for Digital Processors.