PlayStation (PSX) Cue Maker Autogenerate the missing cue file for your PSX emulation bins.Emulating games is fun, but while SNES, NES and Genesis games are easy to find and run, PlayStation games are a bit more complicated. Unlike the others, they come in a dozen of different disc formats.Most commonly, you'll find PlayStation games distributed as a zip-file and inside you'll find one or more bin files.
Each bin-file represents a track on the game CD-ROM. From my experience, the first track is always data and any subsequent tracks are audio - at least for PlayStation 1 games. Unfortunately, emulators and virtual drive managers won't load multiple tracks automatically. They need something called a, which is a special textfile that works as a tracklist. It's supposed to represent a CD-ROM and define which tracks are on the CD-ROM, which order, what format they are (data or audio) and the filename of the bin file for each track.Given the importance of this cue sheet, it's sad how distributors of roms often forget to generate/include the file (or include an invalid one). For ePSXe, it seems that you can load the first bin directly, but background music will be missing and you'll be disappointed. П˜žWith a little technical skill and a great deal of patience you can write suitable cue-files yourself for each of your games in notepad, but it's errorprone, boring and it can be automated.
So guess what. I wrote the script, so you don't have to! П˜ŠPrior to making this webpage, I found a few existing tools that attempt to solve this issue. I tried three different ones -,. Unfortunately, neither of the tools seem to support games with multiple bin files and since these games are the ones that won't have music without a cue sheet, these tools don't really solve the problem.This webpage also assumes that the first track is data, while all subsequent tracks are audio.
This assumption seems to hold true for every PlayStation game I have tried so far.Drag your bin files onto the dropzone below and have the cue sheet generated automatically. Your files will not be uploaded or anything. The dropzone is used to read the filenames of the bins, so this webpage can generate a cue sheet for you. Once you have dragged your bins onto the dropzone, a cue sheet will appear in the textarea above. Copy the content into notepad.exe or whatever you prefer and save it in the same folder as your game bin files. You should have one folder per game and inside that folder, you should have the bins and the cue file. Keep in mind that the cue file references your bin files, so you feel a strange urge to rename the bin files, your cue sheet must be updated/regenerated to match the changes.
While the name of the cue file itself doesn't matter, it's probably a good practice to name it after the game.Developed in April 2017.
Playstation cue and sbi files collectionThis is a collection of cue and sbi files found around the web for Playstation One (PSX) roms. Over 8.5k files from Over 1.1k files from emuparadise.meDatabaseThe file disk.hash contains the SHA-1 hash identification of bin, iso and mdf files.
With the same name, but with the.cue extension you can find the corresponding cue file, just search it in this repo. What are cue filesCue sheets can describe many types of audio and data CDs. The main data (including audio) for a CD described by a cue sheet is stored in one or more files referenced by the cue sheet. Cue sheets also specify track lengths, and CD-Text including track and disc titles and performers. They are especially useful when dividing audio stored in a single file into multiple songs or tracks. The data files referred to by the cue sheet may be audio files (commonly in MP3 or WAV format), or plain disc images, usually with a.bin extension.When used for disc images, the format is usually called CUE/BIN, indicating that it stores a disc image composed of one cue sheet file and one or more.bin files. The.bin files are raw sector-by-sector binary copies of tracks in the original discs.
These binary.bin files usually contain all 2,352 bytes from each sector in an optical disc, including control headers and error correction data in the case of CD-ROMs (unlike ISO images of CD-ROMs, which store only the user data). However, the TRACK command in a cue sheet file can be used to refer to binary disc images that contain only the user data of each sector, by indicating the specific CD mode of the tracks from which the image was created (which is necessary to know the size of the user data in each sector).A cue sheet can also be a list of songs appearing in a film or TV show. The cue sheet shows all the music titles with metadata like composers, publishers, length of use, and shares of ownership. The cue sheet helps determine who should be paid when the film or TV show airs. Cue Sheet file formatA cue sheet is a plain text file containing commands with one or more parameters. The commands usually apply either to the whole disc or to an individual track, depending on the particular command and the context.
They may describe the layout of data to be written, or CD-Text (metadata). The original specification of the cue sheet syntax and semantics appears in the CDRWIN User Guide.4The standard commands are:. FILES - Names a file containing the data and its format (such as MP3, and WAVE audio file formats, and plain 'binary' disc images). TRACK - Defines a track context, providing its number and type or mode (for instance AUDIO or various CD-ROM modes). Some commands that follow this command apply to the track rather than the entire disc.
INDEX - Indicates an index (position) within the current FILE. The position is specified in mm:ss:ff (minute-second-frame) format. There are 75 such frames per second of audio. In the context of cue sheets, 'frames' refer to CD sectors, despite a different, lower-level structure in CDs also being known as frames.6 INDEX 01 is required and denotes the start of the track, while INDEX 00 is optional and denotes the pregap. The pregap of Track 1 is used for Hidden Track One Audio (HTOA). Optional higher-numbered indexes (02 through 99) are also allowed. PREGAP and POSTGAP - Indicates the length of a track's pregap or postgap, which is not stored in any data file.
The length is specified in the same minute-second-frame format as for INDEX. REM - Adds a comment that usually has no bearing on the written CD at all, with the exception of some applications that use it to store additional metadata (e.g.
Exact Audio Copy writes some additional fields, which foobar2000 can read). REM should not appear on a line by itself as some applications regard it as a syntax error. CDTEXTFILE - Identifies a file containing CD-Text information. FLAGS - Sets subcode flags of a track.
CATALOG - Contains the UPC/EAN code of the disc. ISRC - Define the ISRC of the current TRACK. TITLE, PERFORMER and SONGWRITER - CD-Text metadata; applies to the whole disc or a specific track, depending on the context.Why you need a.cue file for?Withtou a.cue file, some games run without background music, just with sound effect. If you experience like that, most likely you don't have the right cue file. Generating a generic cue fileAlong with this file collection, you can find a script called, this script will generate a default cue file, it's not guaranteed that it will work, but it's better than nothing.The default cue file has this structure FILE 'filename' BINARYTRACK 01 MODE2/2352INDEX 01 00:00:00This script hold a function, to use this function, you need to source the file. Source generate-cue.shIt's expected that you create a folder for each game, that will contain one or more disks.
This script will generate both,.cue file for each disk and.m3u file containing the reference to all other cue files.Be aware that this script will delete ALL.cue files and.m3u files in that folder!After that, just run the function cue-gen 'filename.bin'.