
How Can I Activate My Windows Xp Program

  1. Can I Activate Windows Xp
  2. Activate Windows Xp No Key

I ran a repair on XP and after the repair I got a message saying that I needed to activate windows before I can log in.Choosing 'No' would send be back to the login screen and choosing 'Yes' would begin to load Windows, but only as far as showing me the desktop with no icons.I was able to fix this problem by starting the PC in safe mode with command prompt. I then typed 'explorer' into the command prompt to load Windows. Next I clicked on 'Start' - 'Run' and in the 'Run' box I typed'Rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk'. This extended my activation to 30 days. Even though this extended my activation period, I was still unable to get the activation program to start up.I fixed that by going into 'regedit' and searching for the 'wpaevents' folder.

I then changed the permissions to include 'User' for 'Full control'. I also went to my c: drive and changed the permissions to include 'User', 'Administrator', and 'System' for 'Full control'.

Can I Activate Windows Xp

I rebooted the machine and then was able to run Windows activation.I got all my info from. I used this method, and still get the wallpaper screen forever. I am working to recover an old computer which has had it's ethernet controller fail, as well as the internal wi-fi.

I have attached a USB wi-fi adapter, and run the installation software in safemode. When I reboot, I still get the 'This copy of Windows must be activated with Microsoft before you can log on.

Windows xp will not activate

Activate Windows Xp No Key

Do you want to activate Windows now?' Right back to the wallpaper.This is the result of a Windows Repair, XP Home Edition SP3 Build 2600.xpsp.0I have verified with Microsoft that the software is a legal copy, but they want $180 to talk me through validation.Thanks for any further suggestions.

utlogoboss – 2020