
( C2joy )


C2joy Susu Kolostrum Harga

C2Joy Quality TruCal ® D7 Glanbia Nutritionals.TruCal ® D7 is a special formulation from Glanbia Nutritionals Research. It is the extraction of minerals and calcium of bovine colostrum taken from New Zealand which can increase the efficiency of C2joy to boost the immune system and health in short period of time. New Zealand Natural.C2Joy is formulated with 2 main ingredients: Bovine colostrum which is also known as first milk taken as early as 6 hour after the mother giving birth. Besides, it also contain Calcium and Minerals contain of milk which is (TruCal ® D7). WHAT IS C2JOY MILK COLOCTRUM?Colostrum is essential for human in developing and boosting the immune system as well as to optimize the human growth specifically for children.Albert Sabin, an immunologist used bovine Colostrum as main ingredient to produce Immunoglobulin which is proven in boosting the immune system to fight against disease specifically polio disease. However, it has been replaced by vaccine due to the high cost of Colostrum even though the Colostrum work better than vaccine.According to the research, the nutrition and mineral content of milk in bovine Colostrum are almost similar to the nutrition composition in human Colostrum milk.

utlogoboss – 2020