Issue:AutoCAD 2D drawings are commonly drawn in model space at a 1:1 scale (full-size). In other words, a 12-foot wall is drawn at that size. The drawings are then plotted or printed at a plot 'scale' that accurately resizes the model objects to fit on paper at a given scale such as 1/8' = 1'. You may sometimes receive a drawing in which the objects in model space aren't at a 1:1 scale. Among the reasons are user errors, inaccurate scanning, and faulty exporting of data.
Assuming everything in model space is uniformly at the wrong scale, you can rescale or resize the drawing objects to full-size scale. Solution:You can two methods to resize and rescale. Method 1, the easier, rescales by reference and requires no math. Method 2 involves some calculation to determine the scale factor.Method 1 (no math). In the drawing that is not at 1:1 scale, find an object or line whose length you know. Draw another line on top of and aligned to that existing line, but draw it at the correct length.
You can use another layer and color to differentiate it from the original line. When using the SCALE command, select everything except the newly drawn reference line. (You can remove the reference line from the selection set easily.
Either select it and press the Shift key or press the R (Remove) key and then select the line.). Use the Reference option of the Scale command to resize all selected objects. Command: SCALE ↲b. Select objects: ALL ↲c. Select objects: R ↲d. Remove objects:Select the reference line 1 found, 1 removed, 4 total ↲e. Remove objects: ↲f.
Specify basepoint: 0,0 (or specific base point) ↲g. Specify scale factor or Copy/Reference: R ↲h. Motorscrubber ms1000 manual. Specify reference length: Pick the first point of the existing linei. Specify the second point: Pick the endpoint of the existing linej.
Specify new length or Points: P ↲k. Specify first point: Pick the first point of the reference linel. Specify second point: Pick the endpoint of the reference lineThe drawing then scales to the correct size. Erase the reference line.Scaling a drawing to be 1:1 - Autodesk Screencast RecordingMethod 2 (with math):.
In the drawing that is not at 1:1 scale, find an object or line whose length you know. Use the to check the distance of the line or object in the drawing.
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