Cara membobol password facebook tanpa software. ViaThat's right, we want everyone to vote for the greatest ZH mod there is! Of course your still welcome to vote for our other mods, but if you're sick of seeing the same front runners in MOTY every year same as us, then join us in our epic quest!
Peace through Chaos!But 'because it's funny' might not be enough reason for some of you. So I'll add another incentive. If Chaos mod wins MOTY, there will be a major NLS update! What's the update about, who knows? It could just be a really big update involving several NLS mods, or maybe, it could be, something people have been asking for for a very long time, like a revival of a certain mod that was only partially released and may or may not have an unhealthy relation to the letter X, again, who knows!If you want to find out, ya'll better make sure Chaos mod wins MOTY;). Sorry for annoying you sir but i just found a new bugs-vi)if you play GLA Dictator and train terrorist from the barracks the republican Gurd will have the camo upgrade for free(instead of upgrad it from the palace)!vii)GLA Dictator have the same problem as USA Assault With the shortcut button for example:Airfield Is (A) &Arm; dealer is (A)-My regards+1 vote.