
Stamina 15 4800 Manual


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Summary of Contents of user manual for Stamina STAMINA 890 Air Bike 890. Owner's Manual! WARNING!Exercise can present a healthrisk. Consult a physicianbefore beginning any exerciseprogram with. TABLE OF CONTENTSPage PageSafety Precautions 2 Conditioning Guidelines 15Before You Begin 4 Warm-up and Cool-Down 16Hardware.

THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING THE 0890 Air BikeTo help you get started, we have pre-assembled most of your. BEFORE YOU BEGINThank you for choosing the 0890 Air Bike.

We Although Stamina tries to manufacture its productstake. HARDWARE ILLUSTRATIONSThis chart is provided to help identify some of the small parts used in the assembly of this.

ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSPlace all parts from the box in a cleared area and position them on the floor in front. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSRRSTEP 5Slide the AXLE(42) through BUSHINGS(43) into the MAIN FRAME(1). Align the holes on the. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT STUDY THE ABOVE ILLUSTRATION AND READ ALL OF STEP 8 'a' through 'g'BEFORE ATTACHING PEDALS AND. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSSTEP 10Visually inspect the 0890 Air Bike to verify that assembly is as shown in the illustrations. STORAGE1. To store the 0890 Air Bike simply keep it in a clean dry place.2.

Stamina 15 4800 manual transmission

The 0890 Air. ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONSChain AdjustmentChain Adjustment required if the Chain is too loose.1. Loosen ACORN NUTS(3/8')(70) on both sides.

ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONSSTEP 5: Hold the FAN(17) so that the FRONT SPROCKET is on your left side as shown.STEP. USAGE INFORMATIONUsing The MonitorPOWER ON: Pedal movement or push the BUTTON.POWER OFF: Automatic shut off. USAGE INFORMATIONExercise WorkoutThe secret to aerobic training is achieving a selected heart rate and maintaining it. The 0890.

Stamina 15 4800 Manual Download

CONDITIONING GUIDELINESHow you begin your exercise program depends on your physical condition. If you have been inactive forseveral. WARM-UP and COOL-DOWNWarm-up The purpose of warming up is to prepare your body for exercise and to minimize injuries. LIMITED WARRANTYMODEL 15-0890WARRANTYStamina Products, Inc. (the 'Warrantor') warrants to the original purchaser only, that this product will. PRODUCT PARTS DRAWINGFRONTBACK18. PARTS LISTDIAGRAM# PART NAME QTY1 Main Frame 12 Front Stabilizer 13 Rear Stabilizer 14 Seat.

PARTS LISTDIAGRAM# PART NAME QTY49 Sleeve 150 Bellows 151 Locking Knob 152 Bracket 153. Dacal 300 software. NOTES21. FAX/MAIL ORDERING FORMPlease do not return the product.

For your convenience, Stamina has a Customer ServiceDepartment with a.

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