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Contents.Notice. This board is limited to LVDS output, the resolution must be the VESA standard, and the driver board should be at least V59 grade, or the driver board is not available.
Pin Connection: 2 x 40Pin. Because it is the DIY product, so sometimes there may be the compatibility problem. When it shows no signal or no sound, it may be the compability problem. It will have any compability problem if connect to 4K TV.Packing List1 x LVDS To HDMI Adapter BoardThere are two kinds of LVDS input (Optional). Double 8, Support 1080P (1920.1080P) (default). Single 8锛孲upport 720P/768P/960P etc. (Opitional)The procedure of the two adapter boards is different, please leave your message for which one you need.Board DesignDocumentFAQQ: Is there a way to reflash the firmware on this board so it turns the Double 8 to a Single 8?A:1.
Please confirm your board is the new version according to the picture;2. If yes, you could weld a 0ohm-0603-卤5%-1/10W resistance on R28 position.