
Sample Rpg Program As400

  1. Sample Rpg Program As400 List
RpgSample Rpg Program As400

Sample Rpg Program As400 List

Seethe new AS/400 FTP Question & Answer Sheet AS/400FTP Question & Answer SheetThis brand-newpage re-groups a number of user questions and answers related specificallyto the use of FTP on the AS/400. You can find this page in the following link:I n this article, Iwill focus on File Transfer Protocol or FTP and programming techniques forthis most convenient communication tool on the AS/400. A lot has been writtenon FTP and how convenient it is for communicating with virtually any othersystem now being built.But how would you really go about usingit in an application? Something built for real life work, happening every dayin your shop, like an application that would run daily as part of your regularMIS Operations cycle.Most of us have used FTP for the occasionalfile transfer here and there. When used like that, it really feels like a handyutility to have in a pinch. Something akin to DSPPFM in the field of Data Transfer.Being able to do a manual transfer hereand there is one thing, but to get some real use for this type of utility, youwould need to be able to program it and control it using table-driven variables.How would you automate an FTP function?

utlogoboss – 2020