
Qualitative Research Examples Pdf Programs


. 30k DownloadsAbstractGovernments around the world have boosted their early childhood education and care (ECEC) engagement and investment on the basis of evidence from neurological studies and quantitative social science research. The role of qualitative research is less understood and under-valued. At the same time the hard evidence is only of limited use in helping public servants and governments design policies that work on the ground. The paper argues that some of the key challenges in ECEC today require a focus on implementation.

  1. Qualitative Research Questions Examples Ppt
  2. Qualitative And Quantitative Methods In Program Evaluation

For this a range of qualitative research is required, including knowledge of organisational and parent behaviour, and strategies for generating support for change. This is particularly true of policies and programs aimed at ethnic minority children. It concludes that there is a need for a more systematic approach to analysing and reporting ECEC implementation, along the lines of “implementation science” developed in the health area. Research conducted over the last 15 years has been fundamental to generating support for ECEC policy reform and has led to increased government investments and intervention in ECEC around the world. While neurological evidence has been a powerful influence on ECEC policy practitioners, quantitative research has also been persuasive, particularly randomised trials and longitudinal studies providing evidence (1) on the impact of early childhood development experiences to school success, and to adult income and productivity, and (2) that properly constructed government intervention, particularly for the most disadvantaged children, can make a significant difference to those adult outcomes. At the same time the increased focus on evidence-informed policy has meant experimental/quantitative design studies have become the “gold standard” for producing knowledge (Denzin & Lincoln, ), and pressures for improved reporting and accountability have meant systematic research effort by government has tended to focus more on data collection and monitoring, than on qualitative research (Bink, ).

In this environment the role of qualitative research has been less valued by senior government officials. Qualitative Research-WhatIs It? High quality qualitative research requires high levels of skill and judgement.

Sometimes it requires pulling together information from a mosaic of data sources and can include quantitative data (the latter is sometimes called mixed mode studies). In fact, the strengths of qualitative ECEC research are many, and their importance for government, considerable. Qualitative research has been done in all aspects of ECEC operations and policies, from coordinating mechanisms at a national level (OECD, ), curriculum frameworks (Office for Children and Early Childhood Development, ), and determining the critical elements of preschool quality (Siraj-Blatchford et al., ), to developing services at a community level including effective outreach practices and governance arrangements.

Qualitative research underpins best practice guides and regulations (Bink, ). Cross country comparative studies on policies and programs rely heavily on qualitative research methods.For public officials qualitative components of program evaluations are essential to understanding how a program has worked, and to what extent variation in outcomes and impacts from those expected, or between communities, are the result of local or national implementation issues or policy flaws. In addition, the public/participant engagement in qualitative components of evaluations can reinforce public trust in public officials and in government more broadly.In many ways the contrast between quantitative and qualitative research is a false dichotomy and an unproductive comparison. Qualitative research complements quantitative research, for example, through provision of background material and identification of research questions.

Much quantitative research relies on qualitative research to define terms, and to identify what needs to be measured. For example, the Effective Provision of PreSchool Education (EPPE) studies, which have been very influential and is a mine of information for policy makers, rely on initial qualitative work on what is quality in a kindergarten, and how can it be assessed systematically (Siraj-Blatchford et al., ). Qualitative research too can elucidate the “how” of a quantitative result. For example, quantitative research indicates that staff qualifications are strongly associated with better child outcomes, but it is qualitative work that shows that it is not the qualification per se that has an impact on child outcomes-rather it is the ability of staff to create a high quality pedagogic environment (OECD, ). Challenges of Early Childhood Education and Care. ChallengeExamples of Qualitative ResearchCreating coordinated national agendas for early childhood development that bring together education, health, family and community policies and programs, at national, provincial and local levelsBest/good practice studies, identifyingi.

Key drivers of policy and program reformii. The role of advocates, government ministers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs)iii. Organisational structures that support joined up action (national, provincial and local)Building parent and community engagement in ECEC/ECD including increasing parental awareness the importance of ECEC and parents’ roleStudies ofi. Successful/unsuccessful communication with parents and communitiesii.

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Community liaison infrastructureiii. Parent perspectives, and how they can be influenced, including the role of parenting programs.iv. Financing arrangements, legal instrumentsFinding lower cost ways of supporting highly disadvantaged childrenStudies of the best mix of universal and targeted servicesStrategies and action focused on ethnic minority childrenStudies focusing on successful and unsuccessful programs (including meta studies) fori. Building public servant and professional capacityii. Building community member leadership capacityiii. Ethnic minority teachers and teaching assistantsv. Bilingual approachesvi.

Cultural acknowledgementvii. Remote service delivery/mobile approachesEnhancing workforce qualityStudies on the impact of working conditions on ECEC quality, and which conditions matter most for child outcomesPersuading governments to invest in the more “invisible” components of qualityCross country studies ofi.

Successful advocacy and leadership andii. Where/why quantitative data has been effective in driving government commitmentDriving a radical change in the way health/education/family service professions and their agencies understand each other and to work togetherTrials ofi.

Changes to initial training and professional development for professions, including multi-disciplinary elementsii. Coordinating infrastructure at local levelParenting programs — identifying effective ones and linking to ECEC service deliveryResearch oni. Extent to which high variability in outcomes is linked to implementation variabilityii. Enriching nurse or health worker delivered services with education messages/support for parents, especially for the 0–3siii. How to link formal delivery with informal/in home parenting supportScaling up from successful trialsStudies that identify key elements of successful and unsuccessful scaling up including:i. Government/management oversight structures ii.

Qualitative Research Examples Pdf  Programs

Timeframe and resourcingii. Timeframe and resourcingiii. Local flexibility versus national prescriptioniv. Workforce development and working conditionsImplementation Science in Early Childhood Education and Care. Quantitative social science research, together with studies of brain development, has successfully made the case for greater investment in the early years.There has been less emphasis on investigating what works on the ground especially for the most disadvantaged groups, and bringing findings together to inform government action.

Yet many of the ECEC challenges facing governments are in implementation, and in ensuring that interventions are high quality. This is particularly true of interventions to assist ethnic minority children, who in many countries are the most marginalised and disadvantaged. Without studies that can improve the quality of ECEC implementation, governments, and other bodies implementing ECEC strategies, are at risk of not delivering the expected returns on early childhood investment. This could, over time, undermine the case for sustained government support.It is time for a rebalancing of government research activity towards qualitative research, complemented by scaled up collaborations with ECEC providers and research institutions. A significant element of this research activity could usefully be in developing a more systematic approach to analysing and reporting implementation, and linking implementation to outcomes. This has been done quite effectively in the health sciences. An investment in developing an ECEC ‘implementation science’ would thus appear to be a worthy of focus for future work.

Qualitative Research Questions Examples Ppt

Cite this article as:Jarvie, W.K. ICEP (2012) 6: 35. First Online 20 February 2015. DOI Publisher Name Springer Singapore.

Qualitative And Quantitative Methods In Program Evaluation

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