You are about to take thenext step forward in modern spirit communicationThis exclusive experimental software has been put together byfamous psychic and paranormalist Jason Profit to help you explore 2-way EVP!According to WikipediaElectronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sections of static noise on the radio or electronic recording media that are interpreted by paranormal investigators as voices speaking words usually attributed to ghosts or spirits. Recording EVP has become a technique of those who attempt to contact the souls of dead loved ones or during ghost hunting activities. In addition to deceased spirits, various paranormal investigators say that EVP could be due to psychic echoes from the past, psychokinesis unconsciously produced by living people, and the thoughts of aliens. According to parapsychologist Konstantin Raudive, who popularized the idea,EVP are typically brief, usually the length of a word or short phrase.What is a ghost box or franks box?The “ghost box” or “franks box” is truly a unique concept a sort of spirit telephone system if you will.
You can literally ask questions and get answers LIVE in REAL TIME! Unlike EVP recordings where you have to go back listen to what you have recorded,with these ghost boxes you have full 2 way communication with the other side. Of course you will need to practice in order to get the best results.
Sometimes the messages are clear and easily understood, sometimes they are more intermixed with random sounds and audio bits.Frank sumption was experimenting with some old software one day when he came up with the idea of building his frequency scanning device to help aid in spirit communication. At that time, the software wasn’t as advanced so his device seemed to help aid Instrumental Transcommunication at that time. The thing is, ORIGINAL franks boxes are rare as he does not build them for sale. You can’t buy a genuine franks box!The inexpensive ghost boxThe most common affordable option was discovered by a fella named “sumduc” he figured out it was possible to modify certain am/fm radios to allow a constant frequency scan which functioned very similar to a franks box for spirit communication. These work in much the same way, a random mix of noise and verbal bits is generated for the spirits to speak through These are the “ghost boxes” you see for sale on ebay right now.Both the franks box and cheap ghost boxes are amazing tools for the paranormal researcher but now there is a better way to talk with the other side!But you do not need a hacked radio OR a franks box!Rumor has it that Edison was even working on a “spirit telephone” before he diedThe next evolution of 2 way spirit communication has arrived!
'Jason, I want to send Thanks for selling Cross Talk.Thanks for doing what you do!' -MelissaMy amazing “Cross Talk” guide teaches you to conduct real time 2 way EVP or instrumental transcommunication with the other side! Thanks to a recent breakthrough in EVP software, you can now use your COMPUTER instead of a hard to find franks box or annoying cheap ghost box!This guide also contains Jason Profits exclusive CrossTalk EVP software which will enable you to actually achieve much more easy to understand spirit communication.
This incredible software basically generates a much better random fragmented audio scan than the ghost boxes which the spirits can use to speak more clearly. You will create a continuous stream of audio fragments just like the impossible to get franks boxYou will be able to ask your questions and get answers in real time!Why do EVPs the old fashioned way?You can just carry your laptop to any investigation and begin using the “Cross Talk EVP” software to conduct your real time 2 way EVPs. You can even get your digital voice recorder to record the responses you get!This software works like a champ due to a revolution in source audio fragmentation. On the first test run I was told “I am here to help” “you help others” “we need your help”I was also told “I want a tattoo”. I asked you want a tattoo? The answer that came back was “YES” I asked if they could please say the word tattoo again. Once again I hear “I want a tattoo”.They also said “I have been here” “can you hear” then I asked if they had use a device like this before and the voice said “YES YES”lolRemember this was all in the FIRST use!
I know this sounds insane but this really works. Before you waste your money on an annoying hacked up radio “ghost box” try the “Cross Talk EVP” software. You will be amazed at the results. You can use this at home, at haunted locations or on paranormal investigations. The possibilities are nearly limitless. Buy a copy for each of your team members so you can all use it!Just get out your digital voice recorder so that you can record the 2 way spirit communication.
At first it will be difficult to make out the responses but with practice you will be shocked at how detailed of a conversation you could have with the other side!Many people have been looking for the “Ovilus” as seen on paranormal state this software is leaps and bounds ahead of the ovilus and cost you MUCH less. There are no preprogrammed words like in the ovilus. Did I mention that the software is INCLUDED with this guide?We are literally on the verge of a spirit communication revolution! Our “Cross Talk EVP” method makes it as easy as can be for you to begin experimenting with Instrumental Transcommunication for MUCH less money!Want to hear some real examples using the Cross Talk method of 2 way EVP?
Watch these videos and see for yourself! None of these samples are pre-programmed in any way it is live interaction!Jason Profits Exclusive how-to guide “Cross Talk” will walk you through the basics of getting this system set up and explain in detail how Jason uses his software.
The “Cross Talk” guide is invaluable in keeping yourself SAFE and using this kind of technology in the proper manner!What is in the Cross Talk Download:. CrossTalk EVP real time spirit communication software ( like having a ghost box or franks box on your PC!).
“Cross Talk a guide to 2 way Spirit communication” by Jason Profit. This “how-to” guide will get you on the fast track and explain exactly how to get everything working so you can begin making contact. FREE Lifetime Updates! Whenever a new version of CrossTalk EVP is released, you will be notified within the software!. FREE Bonus!
Revolutionary audio source for allowing the spirits to generate vocal formationsBuy it now and get started immediately! Now On Sale Only $18.97! Click Add to Cart then checkout!Now Available As An INSTANT Download! Your CrossTalk EVP Software and guide will be available as an instant download after your purchase!Minimum System Recommendations:1.0GHz Processor1GB RamSound CardStereo Speakers.Net Framework 3.5DirectX 8.0Windows XP, Vista, or 7System current with Microsoft UpdateYour results may vary.
You assume all responsibility for use of this information. This software is intended for use as a paranormal research tool only.This will not be mailed to you, it is a downloadable product. After your payment is made you should be taken to download page for immediate download of your purchase, you also will be emailed your download links within 24 hours or less.