
Armory World Of Darkness Pdf


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Nothing out there is friendly.Nothing.I mean it.It's the golden rule, my man, the golden rule.' Thou shalt SHOOT the CRAZIES in the HEART BEFORE they come bite the heart out of YOU.' It's hard times, man.Hard times.Better be prepared.Hafta beNow gimme that duct tape and those tinsnips.' - Larry Crenshaw, monster-hunter This book includes:. A broad and detailed listing of every weapon, vehicle or piece of equipment a character might need in the World of Darkness.

  1. World Of Darkness Armory Reloaded Pdf

Optional rules and new that reflect combat styles suitable for the weapons contained within. A hardware companion to, andChapters Prologue Introduction Chapter One: Melee WeaponryMelee Weaponry provides rules for a vast array of weapons designed to be used up close and personal, from knives, swords, axes and staves to razor blades and strangle wires and tools such as claw hammers, nail guns and blowtorches. The chapter concludes with rules for characters making their own improvised weaponry in an emergency, such as a shiv or a homemade sap.Chapter Two: Firearms and Ranged WeaponryFirearms and Ranged Weaponry takes a look at weapons designed for a more impersonal sort of encounter. Pistols, rifles, SMGs and shotguns are found here, as are machine guns, archaic firearms, bows, crossbows and even flare guns.


World Of Darkness Armory Reloaded Pdf

The chapter concludes with rules for suppressive fire.Chapter Three: Tactical and Heavy WeaponryTactical and Heavy Weaponry takes a step up from the contents of Chapters One and Two, and examines explosive weapons, using new rules for explosives that integrate them more fully with the Storytelling System’s combat mechanics. This chapter also covers NBC weaponry: those weapons of nuclear, biological and chemical nature.Chapter Four: VehiclesVehicles provides a more in-depth look at vehicles, including everything from skateboards and bikes to SUVs and limousines to tanks and helicopters, all designed for use with the Storytelling System’s chase system to encourage troupes to take advantage of the dramatic potential for vehiclebased conflicts in their games. The chapter concludes with a look at how vehicles can be used to enhance horror stories.Chapter Five: Equipment and AccessoriesEquipment and Accessories covers everything from night vision goggles and pistol suppressors to ghost-hunting equipment, body armor and personal shields; the chapter closes with a look at security systems (both expensive and improvised) and traps.Chapter Six: Weaponry and the World of DarknessWeaponry and the World of Darkness is an in-depth look at real-world weapons law, which focuses on the United States but also touches on the state of gun laws across the world. This chapter also presents a system for the black-market purchase of illegal arms.Appendix: MeritsMerits provides a variety of new Merits, including eight new Fighting Styles, for players who want their characters to get the most out of the equipment contained in this book’s other chapters.Background Information Memorable Quotes Characters References Previous release::Next release:.

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